Year Group Content

    1. Welcome and Many Thanks!

    2. How To Use This Resource

    3. My Community Forum

    4. Year 3 Skills / Key Vocabulary / Resources Overview

    5. Year 3 - Skills / Key Vocabulary / Resources Overview (editable Word Doc)

    6. Listening to Learners Question Prompts

    7. DCF Statements / Digital Learning Den Activities

    1. Keyword Flashcards

    2. Activity 1 - Creating a Strong Password

    3. Activity 2 - Database Fields & Records

    4. Activity 3 - Database Grouping, Sorting and Graphing

    5. Activity 4 - Simple Spreadsheet Formula

    6. Activity 5 - Using A Spreadsheet Model

    7. Activity 6 - Spreadsheet Graphs

    1. Keyword Flashcards

    2. Activity 1 - Email

    3. Activity 2 - Email Communication Benefits

    4. Activity 3 - Showing Respect in Emails

    5. Activity 4 - Sending a Clear and Respectful Email

    6. Activity 5 - Online Classroom Messages

    1. Keyword Flashcards

    2. Activity 1 - Online Community

    3. Activity 2 - Multimedia Presentation

    4. Activity 3 - Changing Slide Background and Reordering

    5. Activity 4 - Plan, Create & Present a Multimedia Presentation

    6. Activity 5 - PEGI Ratings

    1. Keyword Flashcards

    2. Computational Thinking Posters from Barefoot Computing

    3. Activity 1 - Private Information

    4. Activity 2 - Algorithm and Patterns

    5. Activity 3 - Create A Flowchart

    6. Activity 4 - Detect and Debug Mistakes

    1. Keyword Flashcards

    2. LOGO Challenge Cards

    3. Activity 1 - Input & Output Devices

    4. Activity 2 - Following Instructions

    5. Activity 3 - Shape Algorithms

    6. Activity 4 - Simple Logo Instructions

    7. Activity 5 - Repeat Command in Logo

About this module

  • £50.00 / year
  • 46 lessons