What I Can Offer

Comprehensive programmes and tailored support

  • Digital Competence Support Programme

    Discounted access to The Digital Learning Den for a year and up to 12 hours of in-school training based around each of the six strands from The Digital Learning Den. A very popular programme. Please contact to discuss.

  • Bespoke Advice & Training

    Whatever curriculum digital technology issues you have, Gareth Morgan Consultancy will tailor school support to your own requirements. Please contact to discuss.

  • Coding

    Staff training on the use of the BBC Micro:bit, Just2easy J2Code and Scratch. Reference to how this fits with the new Science & Technology Area of Learning and Experience.

  • Application Training

    Support and training on the effective use of Google for Education and Microsoft Office 365 both in the classroom and across the whole school. Primary curriculum support on the use of Just2easy. Also provides training on the creative use of Apple iMovie and Garageband.

  • F2F Courses

    A variety of face-2-face courses for teachers and digital resources. Hosted by Collective Learning and delivered at various venues around Wales.


“We’re actually featured in the (Estyn) report as a case study. Lots of what we have implemented and achieved has stemmed from original training with you! Many thanks.”

“I've just completed the feedback form and added that all of our stakeholders spoke very highly of you. They all felt that you were rigorous in gathering your evidence whilst also very positive and encouraging, which in turn made them feel more confident to answer the questions and celebrate the good practice.”

“A great course to help you understand how DCF and the new AoLE links.”

“We had our inspection last week and received positive feedback about the Digital Learning Den! I discussed the impact it has had on staff confidence and ensuring progression of the DCF skills. One of the inspectors also a head teacher was interested in taking it back to her school!”